Our Historical Tours of Atlanta
We will share our historical truths together! Our next tour dates are October 12th & 13th. Our guided tours of Metro Atlanta are 4.0 hours.
About Our Black Historical Tours In Atlanta

Our Tour Map & Details
Starting in Bland Town to experience the oldest African American community since the civil war, then into Vine City to visit Martin Luther King Jr's and Coretta Scott King family home, the home the family lived in at the time of his passing and the home of the first black millionaire in Atlanta Alonzo Herndon. We will visit Castleberry Hill, Atlanta AU Center the home of Morehouse, Clark Atlanta and Spellman. The West End, Mechanicsville, Pittsburgh, Peoplestown, Summerhill home of the 1996 Olympics, Sweet Auburn and finally the Old Fourth Ward! We will share our historical truths together!
This will give you a clear picture of the information being conveyed.
What separates us from other tours: Our tour focuses on what is taking place in the present day, gentrification. Gentrification has its roots in the Antebellum Era of Atlanta and is still taking place today. We highlight the African American accomplishments, struggles, and pains they had to endure.
This tour will take you back in time as we discuss the construction of Interstate 75, Interstate 20, and the devastating affect it had on the African American community.
As we drive through todays existing neighborhoods, we will provide you with visual documentation showing images of these communities in the past.